I thought I'd better describe my new book a little, seeing I'm currently launching it!
If you are looking for a book on self-empowerment, then this could be the book for you. If you want to unlock your imagination, free your creativity, and listen to your intuition, then this definitely is the book for you.
So, how did it come about? Well, first, there's a preamble to that story ....
I have a deck of cards which are a great psychological tool, because used in reflective practice, you can learn much about yourself. I have been shuffling them for many years, so I get a random card upon which to reflect each week.
There is one card, which kept appearing every Sunday. The interpretation (as described in the accompanying book) was all about patience - in seeing the value of waiting a little while longer. At the time, I was losing patience!!
One weekend, I left the cards on my dining table for the entire week. Each time I walked past, I saw this card from a different angle and I learned a much deeper lesson. From one side, I saw a man frantically swimming, fully-clothed, like he was trying to save someone from drowning. From another, he was floating on his back without a care in the world. From a third angle, he was dangling from one ankle (maybe trapped; maybe about to practise a new acrobatic trick). From the fourth side, he could have been leaping, dancing or reaching for something above.
The point is, the epiphany is liberating! Once you see the card's lesson is perspective, and that you can change how you see your situation or yourself, you can respond differently.
That card inspired two important changes in my life - the establishment of The Centre of Serendipity, and the completion of my first book.
I use that card (with the kind permission of the copyright owners, Monte Farber and Amy Zerner), at the start of my workshops, just after Acknowledgement of Country and Respect to Elders Past, Present and Emerging. I use it, because it quickly teaches participants that - just because one person is "right" doesn't mean everyone else must be "wrong". I love the simplicity and depth of this card. My participants seem to appreciate it too!

As I said earlier, I started working on my book at about the same time as my business, because there was just such a great synergy of events. I saw the value in facilitating wellbeing, encouraging respectful communication and behaviour, and helping people to be great leaders.
So, what's is this book all about?

This little book only takes three hours to read, cover to cover. The first part is a story: an allegory that helps you realise how much you need others to show you the way, and how much you are needed by others. Then, we take time to think about you in certain situations throughout your life: could you have handled things differently?
I've been told by readers that it's incredibly deep, and full of gems.
But it's more than just a good read. I invite you to draw the pictures you imagine, as you're reading. This gives you a much deeper understanding of yourself and the other characters in your own life. In fact, I encourage you to draw as many scenes as possible, because drawing helps you to switch off the outside world of worry and hurt, desire and envy, misunderstanding and challenge. You allow yourself to focus on your own life and the roles you play, as well as those others who have shared your life at various times.
Even better, I encourage you to colour in, define and embellish, make your pictures sparkle and sizzle and pop. It's fun! The more you put into your pictures, the more your inner self / your heart will speak to you. Give it time to speak, and give yourself the chance to listen.
This little book gives you love.
So, I invite you to pop into the store, and buy the book in either paperback or e-book. Come on the adventure of a lifetime with me - the adventure of your lifetime!
As always, thanks for coming along on the ride with me! I love your company!
Love, light and blessings (if that's what you're in to!!))
Take care